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Profile: Benny Gantz, the man most likely to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu

Despite the deadlock that followed last month’s election, the accidental politician and former military man could still end up as Israel's next prime minister

October 10, 2019 16:00
With an eager supporter on the campaign trail near Tel Aviv in February this year

ByAnshel Pfeffer, AnsheL pfeffer

4 min read

Benny Gantz has been in politics now for not much more than nine months, yet every speech and interview he gives still contain the words: “the reason I went into politics.”

It is as if he still does not quite believe he is a politician and needs to remind himself. Yet, by some standards, he is already a veteran.

In those nine months or so, Mr Gantz formed two new parties, ran two election campaigns, was sworn in as a Knesset member twice and, most crucially, twice become the person closest in over a decade to replace Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister.

Yet he still has the air of an accidental politician about him. And it is not an affectation.