
Palestinian woman shot at Jerusalem checkpoint had knife in her bag

July 26, 2016 12:53
A knife and Hamas scarf found at the scene (Picture: Twitter/@MickyRosenfeld)

ByDaniel Sugarman, Daniel Sugarman

1 min read

Israeli border guards have shot a Palestinian woman in the legs in what is being reported as an attempted stabbing attack at the Qalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem.

The Israeli police released a statement, saying: "Security guards at the Qalandia checkpoint spotted the suspect approaching them and called to stop several times. When she continued to run towards they initiated an arrest procedure and fired into the lower torso."

A knife was subsequently found in the suspect's bag, the statement added. The woman was described in media reports as being lightly injured, with the police saying that she was "conscious."

Earlier on Tuesday, the IDF demolished 11 homes in Qalandia, having notified the residents on Monday that the homes would be destroyed. There is no evidence so far to suggest that the two incidents are linked.