
Palestinian donates thousands to Israeli hospital that treated him

The man saw Palestinian, Israeli, Syrian children being treated together and wanted to send a message of “solidarity”.

June 13, 2017 10:18
joseph fishman oncology centre.jpg
1 min read

A Palestinian cancer survivor has made a massive donation to an Israeli hospital to treat children with the condition and send a message of “solidarity”.

The man, who has not been named, gave tens of thousands of shekels to the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa after he was treated there. The 1,000-bed research hospital serves more than two million people in northern Israel.

The donor, who is believed to be a senior Palestinian Authority official, was directed to Rambam for examinations and treatment, TPS News reported. He was hospitalised in the Joseph Fishman Oncology Centre, where he met families of young patients.

In a statement released by the hospital, M said: “When I arrived at Rambam (Hospital), I saw a medical team caring for patients, but I also saw the suffering of the sick children.

“Palestinian, Israeli, Syrian and children from other countries receive treatment in the hospital for a variety of serious illnesses and need all the help they can get. I decided to contribute as much as I could, both a humanitarian act and a symbol of solidarity.”

Once his own treatment was complete, M decided to underwrite a children’s recovery room in the centre’s Institute of Radiology.

He said he hoped to contribute towards improving the health systems in Gaza and the West Bank and also to boost medical cooperation between the two communities.

“Both societies suffer from the damage of violence and I am striving towards a situation where we can all contribute to peace and health… one where we can take care of children, save lives, share knowledge and train Palestinian doctors at Rambam Hospital,” he said.

“Medicine is a bridge between people and I hope that owing to this donation and those which will come after, we will all live a better tomorrow.”