
Netanyahu calls on UK to impose new sanctions on Iran

Iranian move to increase uranium enrichment is a 'dangerous step', says Israeli PM

July 7, 2019 14:57
Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation representative Behrouz Kamalvandi (left) and Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiel announce plans to increase uranium enrichment at press conference on Sunday
1 min read

Israeli Prime Miniser Benjamin Netanyahu challenged the UK and other European countries to impose fresh sanctions on Iran after it announced on Sunday its latest breach of the international agreement to restrict its nuclear programme.

On Sunday Iran said it would increase the concentration of enriched uranium in defiance of the 2015 accord. It has already begun stockpiling more of the uranium than laid down under the agreement.

Mr Netanyahu described the latest Iranian move as a "very, very dangerous step".

He said, “I call on my friends, the heads of France, Britain and Germany.You signed this deal and you said that as soon as they take this step, severe sanctions will be imposed — that was the Security Council resolution. Where are you?”

Its enrichment programme had only one end - to produce nuclear weapons, he said.

Iran’s actions are in retaliation for last year’s decision by American President Donald Trump to withdraw from the nuclear agreement and to renew sanctions against Iran.

Iran said it would be enriching the uranium to provide fuel for its Bushehr plant which experts say would require it produce a concentration of five per cent of the uranium – slightly above the 3.57 per cent allowed under the international accord.

Weapons grade uranium needs 90 per cent enrichment.

Israel has become increasingly concerned at the threat posed by Iran and has attacked Iranian military installations in neighbouring Syria.