
Netanyahu calls early elections for Israel

October 10, 2012 09:08
Benjamin Netanyahu

ByAnna Sheinman, Anna Sheinman

1 min read

Benjamin Netanyahu last night called for elections to take place eight months earlier than scheduled, after his coalition failed to agree on the 2013 budget.

In a televised statement, Prime Minister Netanyahu said: “I have decided that it is in Israel’s better interest to go to elections now and as quickly as possible.” He alluded to the differences within his collation over the budget, saying: “Sadly, parties and factions find it difficult to put aside their personal interests and prioritize national interests.”

The announcement does not come as a surprise, as elections would have been triggered if the budget had not passed through parliament.

The Prime Minster currently has high approval ratings, and will be looking to increase his Likud party’s share of the Knesset’s 120 seats.

No election date was given, the earliest possible date under Israeli law is January 15th.