
Netanyahu attends Taglit-Birthright’s ‘barmitzvah’

November 24, 2016 22:53
Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at Taglit-Birthright celebration (Photo: Flash 90)
1 min read

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended the ‘barmitzvah party’ of Taglit-Birthright on Monday night in Jerusalem.

Three thousand young Jews taking part in this year’s Birthright programme filled Jerusalem’s International Convention Centre to celebrate the end of their ten-day trip, which coincided with the programme’s 13th year.

“You come from different countries and speak different languages, but you have one thing in common, Israel is your birthright,” Mr Netanyahu told the audience.

"Anybody who comes here sees the true Israel. Israel is the place where Jewish history comes alive. Here you tread in the footsteps of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel and Leah. You stand exactly where King David stood not very far from here. And you also can see how we turned the hopes and dreams of thousands of years into a reality.”

The excited audience chanted throughout the night and was entertained by DJs and musical performances.

The Taglit-Birthright programme has brought over 300,000 diaspora Jews between the ages of 18-26 to Israel since its inception.

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