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Netanyahu and Gallant would face arrest if they came to UK

International Criminal Court issued warrants against them for alleged war crimes in Gaza

November 22, 2024 14:24
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has served arrest warrants to former Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty)
5 min read

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant would be set to face arrest if they stepped foot in Britain following the International Criminal Court decision to issue warrants against them for alleged war crimes in Gaza.

Unlike the USA or Israel, Britain is one of the 124 states that are members of the court and, according to the International Criminal Court Act of 2001, has agreed to act on the court’s decisions.

A British court would have formally to approve anyone arrested here on an ICC warrant being handed over to the Hague-based court – but there does not seem much room for discretion.

The previous Conservative government had been willing to challenge the ICC’s jurisdiction over events in Gaza after the court’s chief prosecutor declared his intention to bring charges against Israeli leaders.