Israelis have been told restrictions on their movements will be tightened even further as the government scrambles to prevent virus spread.
Under emergency regulations approved early on Friday morning, people can now only leaves their homes to go to work, buy food or medicine, or to attend court hearings and religious ceremonies.
It came as the number of coronavirus cases in the country exceeded 700, with 10 people reported to be in a serious condition.
In the West Bank, 48 cases have been diagnosed so far, Haaretz reported.
On Thursday night people across Israel stepped onto balconies or leaned outside their windows for a minute of applause for the medical personnel on the front lines against the virus.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara were among those joining in from their Jerusalem residence.
Nearly all leisure activities outside the home have been forbidden, with parks, beaches and shopping centres all declared out of bounds.
Police have also been authorised to enforce the regulations and can now levy fines on transgressors.
All non-urgent operations in public hospitals have been suspended from this coming Sunday, March 22.