
Israelis: no attack on Iran until after Madonna gig

February 10, 2012 14:14

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

Israeli fans of Madonna have appealed to Benjamin Netanyahu to postpone action against Iran until after her Tel Aviv concert.

Fans of the singer, who announced this week that she will open her global tour with a show in Israel, launched a campaign on Facebook.

They are asking the Israeli Prime Minister to say "no to war with Iran" until after the May 29 gig.

On of the creators of the page said the page was intended to be pro-peace and was meant in jest.

"We love Madonna, and it's just our humorous way of dealing with not so humorous life in the Middle East," they said. "We send our neighbors in Iran a message of unity, and hope Madonna will grace their country with a visit on her upcoming tour."