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Israeli unemployment could hit one million by Passover, officials warn

The country's economy has taken a battering as coronavirus lockdown measures bite

March 26, 2020 12:47
All non-essential businesses are closed in Israel, as Jerusalem introduces strict measures to control the spread of coronavirus
1 min read

The economic effect of the coronavirus pandemic continued to be felt in Israel this week, as Israeli unemployment hit 20 per cent and the country’s Employment Service warned that up to a million people could be out of work by Passover.  

The stark warnings were made by the head of Israel’s Employment Service Rami Garor, who said that internal estimates suggested that as many as a fifth of those filing for unemployment during the crisis will not have jobs to return to once the coronavirus lockdown is lifted.

On Thursday, Israel’s unemployment rate edged over 20 per cent mark, with 39,000 having registered for unemployment support within the previous 24 hours.

690,000 people have filed for unemployment benefit since March 1, 90 per cent of whom are workers that have been placed on temporary leave without pay as demand declines and companies are forced to close because of coronavirus restrictions.