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Israeli settlers: ‘If we have to live in a Palestinian state, so be it’

February 6, 2014 09:48
Jewish West Bank resident (Photo: Flash 90)

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Many on the Israeli right reacted with outrage at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent suggestion that, under a peace agreement, Israelis living in West Bank settlements could choose to remain under Palestinian sovereignty. But, among settlers themselves, it seems that all options are on the table.

Meir Nachliel, 47, a resident of Ofra, a Jewish town near Ramallah, has no doubt whatsoever.

“I would stay — if faced with the choice of leaving of staying, then yes.”

Mr Nachliel, the CEO of the Hebron Mountain Development Company, said his decision based on one simple concept: “Eretz Israel hashelema” — the greater land of Israel. “This belongs to the Jewish people. We want to remain under Israeli rule, but if that fails and the price we’d pay is to leave this place, then of course we’ll stay.”