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Israel unveils proposals to jail foreign national Jews who refuse to divorce their wives

Non-Israeli Jews could also be blocked from leaving the country under the plans

May 4, 2018 10:17
Rabbi Eliyahu Maimon, head of the Rabbinical Court's Division for Agunot, at the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem last year
1 min read

Foreign national Jews could be jailed or prevented from leaving Israel under proposals to grant sweeping new powers to Israel’s rabbinical courts.

If a bill working its way through the Knesset becomes law, the religious courts would have powers to punish Jewish men from other countries who refuse to grant their wives a get.

Israel’s government said it was designed to assist Jewish women – known as agunot, literally “chained women” – who are stuck in marriages against their will because their husbands do not agrees to a divorce.

A religious marriage cannot be dissolved under Jewish law until the man consents to a get.