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Israel the fastest vaccinating country in attempt to stem a third wave disaster

They passed half a million Covid-19 vaccinations just 10 days after starting, overtaking Britain

December 30, 2020 10:23

ByAnshel Pfeffer, anshel pfeffer

3 min read

On Tuesday, Israel announced that it had passed the half-a-million mark of Covid-19 vaccinations, 10 days after starting its drive. Over five percent of the entire Israeli population have received their first jab of the Pfizer vaccine and the country has the highest proportion of coronavirus inoculations anywhere in the world (leapfrogging over Britain, which was the first country to embark on nationwide vaccinations and is now in the third place, after Bahrain).

At this rate, Israel is on track to vaccinate half its population by mid-March and perhaps become the first country in the world to actually achieve “herd immunity”. But that is only part of the picture.

The vaccination drive came simultaneously with another world first — Israel’s third nationwide coronavirus lockdown. On Sunday evening, new restrictions came in to place. All businesses serving the public, with the exception of shops selling food and vital supplies, were ordered to close and civilians limited to a 1000-metre radius from their homes.

The lockdown was decided on as the third wave spiralled out of control. On Monday, the same day that 100,000 Israelis were inoculated, there were 5815 new cases of coronavirus, the highest daily rate in four months. The infections are partly due to people gathering for parties and family celebrations on Channukah and the thousands of tourists returning from countries abroad with high infection rates. There’s also the possibility that some of the third wave is caused by the new mutation which was first detected in Britain.