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Israel plans to channel water from the Mediterranean Sea to save the Galilee

Despite hopes of normal rainfall levels, the water shortage is severe and environmentally damaging

October 7, 2018 06:41
Water levels in the Sea of Galilee have been falling for many years

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer in Jerusalem

2 min read

Rainfall in Israel is expected to be at normal levels over the coming twelve months, according to predictions that raised hopes after five consecutive years of drought.

But the National Water Authority estimates this will not be enough to fully replenish the country’s scarce sources of natural water.

It has prompted a radical plan to build an underwater route that would pump desalinated water into the receding Sea of Galilee, once the source of most of the country’s freshwater.

Weather forecasting models, although much improved in recent decades, failed to predict how dry Israel’s most recent winters would be — leading to a greater reliance on desalination plants, more restrictions for farmers and further water-saving measures for domestic consumers.