
Israel bans flights from the UK after spread of mutant virus

The move follows new social distancing measures announced in Britain on Saturday

December 20, 2020 10:48
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1 min read

Israel has banned flights into the country from the UK on Saturday night after the British government imposed tougher new restrictions in London and the South-East because of a new mutation of the coronavirus. 

Health officials in Britain say the new strain spreads more easily, although there is no evidence to suggest it is more lethal. 

Haaretz reported that the ban on entry from Britain applies also to connecting flights through the UK. 

Only diplomats will be able to fly from Britain to Israel. 

Israeli defence Minister Benny Gantz has also ordered the reopening of special “coronavirus hotels” where returning Israelis who have visited countries where the mutated form of the virus is prevalent can self-isolate, according to the newspaper.

The Israeli cabinet is expected to consider new restrictions in the country at its new meeting today.