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Islamophobic election posters removed from Israeli city of Ramle following outcry

They depicted a girl in a hijab in front of a Shabbat table with the message: 'Tomorrow it could be your daughter'

October 18, 2018 09:59
An example of the Jewish Home poster in Ramle
1 min read

Municipal election posters have been removed from an Israeli city after widespread outrage at their racist messaging, with only a few of the political advertisements left untouched by protesters.

The election posters for the right-wing nationalist Jewish Home party were put up earlier this week in the city of Ramle, which has a mixed Jewish and Arab population.

They showed a girl in a hijab, with a Shabbat table in the background.

The caption on the posters read: “Hundreds of cases of intermarriage in Ramle, and no one cares. Tomorrow it could be your daughter.