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IDF cracks down on its settler rebels

November 26, 2009 15:44
At an IDF recruiting office in Jerusalem this week, young settlers hold a sign that says, “We are not recruited to send Jews away from their home”.  Soldiers in uniform who made a similar protest have been jailed for a month

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

Two political protests by religious soldiers in uniform have turned a spotlight on the divided loyalties of many yeshivah students who also serve in the IDF.

Last Sunday, a group of soldiers in the Nahshon infantry battalion hoisted a banner on top of a building on their base in the southern region of the West Bank, reading, “Nahshon also doesn’t banish Jews.”

The banner was referring to the security forces’ razing of two houses, illegally built on the nearby Negohot settler outpost. The text played on a similar banner raised by soldiers in the Shimshon infantry battalion at a swearing-in ceremony last month, which read, “Shimshon does not evict in Homesh”.

Another similar banner was found at the training base of the Kfir brigade, to which both battalions belong.