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Hamas wins the first round but will pay a terrible price

The terrorists’ deadly attack has changed everything. Israel has a very different government now

October 8, 2023 08:52
Aftermath of rocket attack on Ashkelon
The scene where a rocket fired from Gaza into Southern Israel, hit and caused damaged in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. October 7, 2023. Photo by Edi Israel/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** àù÷ìåï ø÷èä ðôéìä çøáåú áøæì
4 min read

In the great reckoning that took place in Israel a bit less than 50 years ago, in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War, one word constantly arose – ha’konseptzya – the concept.

The concept of both the military and political establishment had been that following Israel’s brilliant victory in the Six-Day War, the Arab nations would not challenge Israel again on the battlefield.

The konseptzya lasted for just over six years, until Egypt and Syria launched their simultaneous attack on the most sacred of days. And while there were other failures and oversights that had led to Israel being caught by surprise, the konseptzya was the foundation of the disastrous opening to that war in which Israel would ultimately win, but at the cost of more than 2,000 soldiers’ lives.

The death-toll in the war that began on Saturday morning on the borders of Gaza, 50 years and a day since the previous time Israel was caught so unprepared is already in its hundreds.