
Hamas reportedly on brink of accepting Palestinian state within 1967 borders

March 9, 2017 11:44
1 min read

Hamas is preparing to confirm acceptance of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, although stop short of recognising Israel, according to a report in Haaretz.

Leaders of the Islamist terror organisation are said to be drafting a platform which will define its fight against Israel as against the occupation, not against Jews, and signal its independence from the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Israeli newspaper cited details in a report from the London-based Arabic publication, Asharq al-Awsat

According to Ha’aretz, it was told by a Hamas official in Gaza that the policy document would contain nothing different from statements by Hamas chairman Khaled Meshal and other leaders. “But in light of the major changes that have occurred in the region and within the Palestinian arena, Hamas has formulated this document to stand as an ID card for the movement and its principles,” the official was quoting as saying.

The Israeli newspaper speculates that the document could help Hamas reach agreement with other Palestinian factions. 

Veteran peace activist Dr Gershon Baskin, who negotiated with Hamas for the release of Gilad Shalit, said: "Hamas has not yet accepted any new manifesto.  Their decision-making process is complex and slow, but if the rumours are true, this is a major change.  It has happened primarily because of the demands from Egypt and the importance of Egypt to Gaza."