
Freed Israeli hostage hid for four days in Gaza before being recaptured by Hamas

Roni Krivoi’s family said he escaped captivity after the building he was kept in was bombed


An Israeli hostage set free on Sunday escaped from Hamas and spent four days hiding in Gaza before being recaptured, his aunt has claimed.

Roni Krivoi, 25, who also holds Russian nationality, was kidnapped by the terror group at the Supernova musical festival on October 7.

His aunt Elena Magid said after being taken to Gaza, the 25-year-old was held until an Israeli strike enabled him to flee his captors.

Speaking to Kan radio, she said: “I understood that the building collapsed from the bombings, and he was able to escape from there and escape. It's like a movie.

"For several days he hid there and was alone, and at the end the Gazans caught him and returned him to the hands of the terrorists.”

Discussing his nephew’s failed bid for freedom, Magid said: "He tried to reach the border, but I think that because he didn't have the means to understand where he was and where to run he got into trouble in the area. He was alone for a few days - four days.”

She added: "I asked him ‘how do you feel?’ Do you have nightmares at night? He said to me, 'Listen, I have nightmares, but everything is fine.’"

Krivoi was seized by Hamas at the Supernova music festival as the terror group massacred hundreds of civilians in attendance.

Magid said he had arrived shortly before Hamas fighters appeared as he was due to dismantle stages when the party ended.

"As soon as [the attack] started, he and his friend started running together, until at some point Roni decided to hide in a pit and told his friend to continue,” she said.

"A friend was in contact with him until 10:30, Roni told him that he was hearing voices of terrorists, and at about 10:40 the friend called him and they already answered him in Arabic.

"He said 'Ronnie, Roni', and they laughed and hung up the phone, and since then the connection has been lost.”

For the first week of his captivity, Krivoi's family did not receive any information about his status. It was not until October 12 that they were officially informed by the IDF that he was most likely a hostage in Gaza.

After seven weeks of captivity, Krivoi was released alongside thirteen other Israeli hostages and three foreign nationals on Sunday.

They include Abigail Idan, a four-year-old girl who was orphaned on October 7, and Elma Avraham, 84, who was rushed to hospital in a seriously ill condition.

In exchange, Israel handed over 39 Palestinian prisoners as part of an ongoing ceasefire deal.

Explaining her nephew’s physical condition, Magid said: "He has several stitches in his head because he was injured in the collapse of the house, and also several other wounds.

"But he is fine, he is being checked, and I really hope that we will soon host him at home and everything will be fine."

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