
Fogel family murderer convicted

August 3, 2011 08:49
Hadas Fogel

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

A man has been convicted of the brutal slaughter of the Fogel family earlier this year.

Hakim Awad's victims included three-month-old Hadas Fogel, two of her siblings and her parents.

Their bloodied bodies were discovered by 14-year-old Tamar Fogel when she returned to the family home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar late on a Friday night in March.

Awad, 18, confessed to the killings and was convicted of five cases of murder. He was also convicted for weapons and security offences. During the trial, Ynet reported that he had told the court he was proud of what he did and had no regrets.

The trial of the man believed to be his co-conspirator, Amjad Awad, has not ecahed a conclusion.

The prosecution is not expected to seek the death penalty for Awad, who is likely to be sentenced in September.