
Chasidic group caught on video fighting and smoking on annual pilgrimage to Ukraine

October 10, 2016 13:46

ByJessica Weinstein, Jessica Weinstein

1 min read

Reports have emerged of drunken members of the Breslov sect fighting and smoking cannabis on board flights from Israel to Uman in the Ukraine for the Chasidic group’s annual pilgrimage to the burial site of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, which began last week.

Mobile phone footage shows Israir crew members breaking up a fight between sect members , with one passenger commenting: "If this is what happens between Jews, imagine what would have happened if this went down with an Arab on board."

In another home-made video, shot in Kiev airport, raucous songs and prayers can be heard being played over the airport’s PA system - to the embarrassment of other Israelis.

"All sorts of people fly to Uman," said an Israeli bystander. "Some of them arrive drunk or on drugs, embarrassing the rest of us. The local (Uman) police doesn't interfere, because the believers who visit bring in a lot of money, but Israel's reputation is severely damaged. I felt very ashamed while I was waiting to board."

In another incident, an El Al pilot said drunk passengers had been found smoking marijuana in the aeroplane toilets.