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Benjamin Netanyahu's bag of election tricks is nearly depleted

Iran, West Bank annexation, Arabs and meetings with world leaders — all have been used by the Israeli prime minister in the final week of campaigning

September 12, 2019 16:30
Election officials prepare the ballot slips that will be used by voters next Tuesday


3 min read

Benjamin Netanyahu bookeneded the last crucial week of campaigning with trips to London and the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi, meeting Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin.

In between, Mr Netanyahu spent a tumultuous week rummaging through his bag of well-tried election tricks as he fought to boost the right-wing turnout in the hope of confounding the polls once again.

On Thursday night, when Mr Netanyahu was due to land back in Israel from Sochi, the pollsters were making their last calculations before a pre-election purdah.

This has been a rather boring election for them: the polls have barely moved. Right wing and religious parties are predicted to take around 65 seats while the centre-left is on about 55. Just like in April.