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At last, the flying selfie available off the shelfie

December 18, 2014 13:09

ByNathan Jeffay, Nathan Jeffay

1 min read

The selfie stick, which lets people hold their mobile phones at a distance while snapping themselves, is taking the world by storm.

But an Israeli firm is taking digital narcissism to even greater heights.

Zano, the "selfie drone", can track its owner from the air, taking photos from pre-set angles and distances before automatically "homing in".

It is capable of flying hundreds of feet in the air and uses infra-red sensors to automatically avoid collisions and keep to its flight path. It can also transmit a live video feed. And while drones are associated with high-cost defence technology, this 55gm device will hit the market for £169.95. Makers appealed for crowd funding of £125,000 for development, but received pledges of £800,000. The first drones will be available in June.