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Ancient gold bead uncovered in Jerusalem park

The artifact is one of only a few made from pure gold ever found in Israel and dates to at least 1,600 years ago

February 8, 2023 12:45
2 min read

A unique, pure gold bead dating back at least 1,600 years has been uncovered in the Emek Tzurim National Park in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) revealed on Wednesday.

The bead was found in dirt removed from a Roman structure discovered during the Pilgrimage Road Excavation. It was created using a unique technique that required delicate workmanship to affix tens of tiny balls together in the shape of a ring in order to create one ornament.

The relic was found by Hallel Feidman, an 18-year-old doing her compulsory national service as a volunteer for the sifting project at the Archaeological Experience.

“I poured the pail onto the sieve and began to wash the material that was brought from the excavations in the City of David,” she said.