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A bomber left him paralysed for 2 years: this week he walked

April 10, 2008 23:00

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

2 min read

A young Israeli, paralysed from the chest down after a suicide bombing, has defied medical odds by regaining feeling in his toes following pioneering treatment at a London clinic.

Zion Shitrit, 23, was working at a market in the northern Israeli town of Hadera when a suicide bomber blasted the area, killing six.

Zion suffered horrific injuries, including a head trauma and severe spinal damage. He spent 60 days unconscious in intensive care at the Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikva, followed by a one-year rehabilitation programme in Ra’anana. Doctors diagnosed paralysis and said there was nothing more they could do. He was told that he would never walk again.

Last month, Zion’s parents, Tova and Pini, saw a reality television programme in Israel, Miracle Steps, about the Mind Clinic in London, a holistic rehabilitation centre which works with people suffering from spinal cord injuries. This week they flew to London with their son, who began treatment.