
Israel was right to defend itself over Gaza, insists David Cameron

April 28, 2015 14:08
David Cameron and JC editor, Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard

1 min read

David Cameron has spoken of his belief that it is “important to speak out” about Israel’s right to have defended itself last year in Gaza.

In an interview with the JC to be published on Thursday, Mr Cameron contrasts the “indiscriminate” attacks on Israel with its defensive response.

“What I’ve seen is the attacks that take place on Israel and the indiscriminate nature of them. As PM, putting yourself in the shoes of the Israeli people, who want peace but have to put up with these indiscriminate attacks - that reinforces to me the importance of standing by Israel and Israel’s right to defend itself.

“I feel very strongly that this equivalence that sometimes people try to draw when these attacks take place is so completely wrong and unfair. Because Israel is trying defend against indiscriminate attacks, while trying to stop the attackers – and there’s such a difference between that and the nature of the indiscriminate attacks that Israel receives. I feel that very clearly. I’ve seen it very clearly as Prime Minister and I think it’s important to speak out about it.

“Obviously we regret the loss of life wherever it takes place, but I do think there’s an important difference – as Prime Minister Netanyahu put it: Israel uses its weapons to defend its people and Hamas uses its people to defend its weapons."

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