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Is the Union of Jewish Students ‘Zionist’ or not?

President says the group “represents a proud Zionist voice” despite group having earlier voted against describing it as Zionist

December 22, 2020 17:20
UJS president James Harris
1 min read

The head of the Union of Jewish Students says the group “represents a proud Zionist voice” despite members voting down a motion describing it as “Zionist” earlier this month.

“There has been much comment made about a motion that was discussed at conference but did not pass by a narrow margin,” UJS president James Harris acknowledged Tuesday. 

However he maintained that UJS “opposes anti-Israel rhetoric on campus, combats BDS in all its forms, and represents a proud Zionist voice, one which supports Israel as a Jewish and a democratic state.”

The motion, put forward by Daniel Marcus in Nottingham and seconded by Gregory Kraftman in Birmingham, proposed to include Zionism as a core belief of the organisation.