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Is Israel also responsible for the dying of the sun, Mr Brazier?

MP blames Israel for inciting anger in Pakistan, the election of extremists in Egypt and Iran’s threat to close the Straits of Hormuz

April 11, 2012 13:10
MP Brazier

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A Conservative MP has blamed Israel for "whipping up feeling" against British troops in Afghanistan, the election of extremists in Egypt, and Iran's threat to close a vital oil route.

Julian Brazier, MP for Canterbury and Whitstable, made the claims in a letter to Communities Secretary Eric Pickles.

Mr Brazier raised the issue of local authority tendering regulations before digressing into a rant about Israeli actions in the West Bank.

He quoted a lecture in which late military historian Professor Richard Holmes claimed Israeli activity in the West Bank was "playing a major role in inciting the anger felt in Pakistan and Afghanistan" and leading to attacks on British troops.