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Irv Bupkes makes a bagel that can store your computer files

February 18, 2009 16:56

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

Talk about a mega-bite. US-based writer Irv Bupkes has created what is surely the world’s first electronic bagel.

He has developed the Bagel Drive — a mini-bagel complete with a fully functional USB 2.0 flash memory drive. It can store files, photos, video, music and any other digital tchochkes (precious bits and bobs).

Fifty-two-year-old Mr Bupkes, who writes for a selection of science and medical publications, says he initially came up with the concept as a joke and did not expect it to take off the way it has. Bagel Drive has been generating a lot of consumer — and media — interest.

“I’m often doing things to amuse my friends and family,” he tells People. “When the kids were younger I would send them stamped-addressed bagels — no envelope — in the post, just to make them laugh. Then recently I came across a bunch of hard drives at home and was thinking about what I could do with them. I figured I could try make them into a bagel.” And so he did.