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Iran's 'cyber attack on the BBC'

March 14, 2012 15:20
BBC headquarters were targeted in a cyber attack on March 2, disrupting email access

ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot

1 min read

The BBC’s director - general will reveal how the BBC is subject to persistent intimidation by the Iranian authorities, and suffered a “sophisticated cyber attack.”

BBC headquarters were targeted in a cyber attack on March 2, disrupting email access within some parts of the BBC for about four hours. The website is also believed to have been targeted by a DDOS attack, which overloads websites with repeated automatic requests for information. No broadcasting was affected.

Director - general Mark Thompson, who is due to give a speech at the Royal Television Society today, said members of staff were constantly intimidated into leaving the BBC Persian service, and pressured into becoming Iranian police informers.

The BBC released an extract from the speech, describing the attempted cyber attack. Mr Thompson will tell the RTS “"It is difficult, and may prove impossible, to confirm the source of these attacks, though attempted jamming of BBC services into Iran is nothing new and we regard the coincidence of these different attacks as self-evidently suspicious."