
Iran sentences four to death over alleged Mossad links

It comes as the regime accuses foreign powers of backing protests across the Islamic Republic

November 30, 2022 16:00
The flag of Iran behind a prison fence (Getty)
flag of Iran behind a fence
1 min read

Iran has issued four people with death sentences after alleging their links to Israeli intelligence.

The Islamic Republic’s judiciary handed custodial sentences of five to ten years to three other individuals over allegations of breaching national security laws, collaborating in kidnapping, and possessing illegal weapons.

It comes as a wave of landmark protests continues to beleaguer the theocratic regime, which the latter has sought to blame on foreign interference. 

The four people sentenced to capital punishment were accused of cooperation with Israel’s national intelligence service, Mossad, and of committing kidnappings. The news was reported by the semi-government-owned Mehr news agency on Wednesday.

Following its 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran cut all diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel, and its government does not recognise Israel’s statehood. 

The regime continues to fund a global network of terror that has often targeted Jewish and Israeli civilians. 

The Mehr agency said the four defendants, who had been arrested by the Revolutionary Guards and the Ministry of Intelligence, were "sentenced to death for the crime of cooperating with the intelligence services of the Zionist regime and for kidnapping."

"With guidance from the Zionist intelligence service, this network of thugs was stealing and destroying private and public property, kidnapping people, and obtaining fake confessions."


