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Inquest leaves Duggan mother seeking answers

May 28, 2015 13:08
Erica Duggan: disappointed by inquest verdict on how son Jeremiah died

ByRosa Doherty, Rosa Doherty

1 min read

The mother of a Jewish student who died after fleeing an extremist group in Germany has vowed to fight on for a full investigation into the circumstances of his death.

Erica Duggan has conducted a 12-year campaign to find out what happened to her son Jeremiah.

Following an inquest in London last week that "totally rejected" a previous ruling by a German court that he had committed suicide, she said: "I will not stop until the German authorities recognise this UK verdict and look into his death."

Jeremiah Duggan was killed after being hit by a car in Wiesbaden in 2003.