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Inquest: brit not to blame in baby death

September 10, 2009 11:10

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

2 min read

The baby who died shortly after his brit, died of natural causes totally unrelated to his circumcision, a coroner has ruled.

Amitai Moshe was circumcised by Rabbi Moshe Perry on February 1 2007 in Golders Green Synagogue, north-west London, but about 35 minutes after the ceremony, while his mother was breastfeeding him, he began to turn blue and blood was seen around his mouth and nose. Two medically trained guests and the mohel attempted to resuscitate him.

Both Hatzola, the strictly-Orthodox ambulance service, and the London Ambulance Service, were called. Hatzola arrived first, taking the baby to the Royal Free Hospital. He was transferred to University College London, and pronounced dead on February 9.

Coroner Andrew Walker, told Hornsey Coroners’ Court on Wednesday that the cause of death was sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), following evidence from leading infant health expert, Professor Peter Fleming.