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In full: An open letter to the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews

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October 13, 2022 13:54
Dramatic sky over Jerusalem, view from the Olive Mountain, taken shortly before a thunderstorm
3 min read

Dear President,

We are proud British Jews. While we differ in terms of political opinions and religious practice, we are united in the belief that Jerusalem (Yerushalaim) is the capital of the State of Israel, the Holy City of Judaism and the beating heart of the Jewish people. Her importance to Jews brings together religion, culture and peoplehood. In the words of the Psalmist: “If I forsake thee, Jerusalem, let my right arm forget its strength”. On a more prosaic note, it is the prerogative of Israel to determine her capital city – just like any other country in the world.

We therefore note with satisfaction and applaud your call to the British Government to relocate the UK embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We wholeheartedly support it and encourage you to be even more vocal in that respect.

We note with dismay that certain groups that are active on the fringes of our community have now launched a politicised campaign criticising your call. We wanted to reassure you that such views are the domain of a tiny minority. Their ‘arguments’ don’t just run contrary to the views of the vast majority of Jews, but they are full of internal contradictions and do not withstand close scrutiny.