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Hate speech survey result "shocking", says Holocaust Memorial Day Trust chief exec

YouGov survey illustrates UK hate speech problem

January 28, 2018 11:01
Olivia Marks-Woodman
1 min read

Olivia Marks-Woldman, the chief executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, has said the results of a new survey showing the impact of hate speech in the UK are "shocking."

The YouGov survey, released to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day, found that more than a quarter of Britons had witnessed hate speech over the past year - with 41 per cent saying the abuse revolved around race or ethnicity.

Nearly two-thirds of the cases were on social media - with 12 per cent coming across more than five cases of hate speech.

Ms Marks-Woldman warned: "These findings are shocking. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 is the power of words, and our research shows just how prevalent hate speech is today, and how powerful our words are.