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Haringey Labour activist removed as London Assembly candidate

Preston Tabois was deemed not to meet the threshhold required to stand as a Labour candidate

March 26, 2021 17:06
Preston Capture.JPG
1 min read

A Haringey Labour councillor and Unite the Union activist has been removed for the party’s list of London Assembly election candidates following a meeting of a National Executive Committee panel.

The JC understands that at Thursday’s meeting, a panel decided that Preston Tabois should be removed from the London-wide list of candidates on the grounds that his past conduct left him below the threshold required to stand for election.

Mr Tabois has previously faced several complaints over alleged antisemitism including comments involving conspiracy theories and derogatory remarks about Zionism.

The London bus driver  was previously given a suspension from the party over allegations of antisemitism last August. Mr Tabois had said he was devastated by allegations he was an antisemite, and convinced the earlier disciplinary hearing he had not shared a social media post relating to the Holocaust as had been alleged.