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‘Hard work and determination’ sends GCSE results soaring

August 27, 2015 10:16
JFS students (left to right) Adam Peterman, Danielle Blake and Jesse Anthony proudly display their results

ByCharlotte Oliver, Charlotte Oliver

4 min read

The wait was finally over last Thursday for thousands of Jewish students, who woke up bright and early to receive their GCSE results.

JFS in Kenton celebrated "excellent results", with 50 per cent graded A* or A. A third of all students gained an A* or A in at least seven subjects.

More than 50 per cent of students achieved the government's EBacc measure, which allows people to compare how many pupils get a grade C or above in the core academic subjects at government-funded schools. This result was more than double the national average in 2014.

Special mention went to Jacob Arbeid and Raphael Korber-Hoffman, who each attained 12 A*s; Vitale Stone, who scored 11 A*s and one A; and Adam Lang, who won 10 A*s and two As.