
Guardian corrects FGM claim

September 13, 2013 06:00

ByAnna Sheinman, Anna Sheinman

1 min read

The Guardian newspaper has corrected an article that said female genital mutilation (FGM) is practised in the Jewish community.

In a piece published last weekend called “Female genital mutilation: Mothers need to say no’’, Guardian staff feature writer Homa Khaleeli wrote: “Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities carry out FGM.”

FGM was once carried out by the Jewish Beta Israel community of Ethiopian Jews but the practice has ceased since the community settled in Israel.

The Observer, also published by the Guardian News and Media company, has issued a correction over a claim that Israel used chemical weapons in Gaza.

Columnist Nabila Ramadi wrote in the Comment section that “white phosphorus shells — a chemical weapon that causes severe burning right down to the bone — were used by Israeli forces against Palestinians in Gaza in 2008 in breach of all international conventions”.

A correction was published in last Sunday’s edition following a complaint from the Israeli embassy in London.

It made clear that “white phosphorus used by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, is not a chemical weapon as understood by the Chemical Weapons Convention, and its use is in itself not ‘in breach of all international conventions’.”