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Groups condemn 'appalling' anti-Israel motion which claims to be 'protecting Jewish students'

'Anyone who believes that they can erase Jewish experience and define antisemitism better than Jewish people cannot claim to be protecting Jewish students’

November 21, 2018 17:24
Cardiff University Student's Union
1 min read

The Union of Jewish Students and the Cardiff Jsoc have condemned a motion by the students' union calling for a boycott of Israeli institutions while claiming to “protect… Jewish Students”.

The UJS and Jsoc said the motion, which will be debated at Cardiff University Students' Union’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, was "appalling" and deployed “a skin-deep mention of combatting antisemitism in an attempt to ‘kosher’ BDS”.

In a joint statement, the Jewish groups said it paid “merely lip service to antisemitism", noting only four out of its 24 bullet points related to Jews.

The motion is titled “protecting our Palestinian and Jewish Students” and proposed by Amr Alwishah, the union’s vice president for welfare and campaigns, and seconded by Fadhila Al-Dhahouri, the president of the union.