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Government lawyer joined rally featuring call for removal of Jews from Israel

EXCLUSIVE: Narjis Khan took part in an Al Quds Day event that included an address by a pro-Iran cleric banned from UK

May 27, 2020 11:00
Narjis Khan (left) performing one of her poems for the online rally and (right) host Nazim Ali
4 min read

A lawyer working for the Government Legal Department (GLD) has taken part in an online Al Quds Day rally that featured a call for Jews to be forcibly removed from Israel by a banned pro-Iran cleric.

According to her social media profile, Narjis Khan has spent three and a half years at the GLD, where she has provided advice to the UK Government’s Attorney General’s Office on “a range of issues” that fall within “the public interest function”.

Last Friday, Ms Khan was introduced as “a fantastic poet” at the annual “rally” organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) to mark Al Quds Day - an annual event initiated by Iran in 1979 to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism.

Performing one of her own poems, she was filmed reciting verses that branded Israel an “illegal enterprise” and that claimed Palestinians in the future would  “no longer be forced by anyone to pay for the crimes of Europe”.