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Get refusal recognised as domestic abuse

Justice Minister says that get refusal will be covered in guidance to new law on abuse

March 12, 2021 10:39
get refusal.jpg
3 min read

Refusing to give a get is to be recognised as a form of domestic abuse, the government confirmed this week. 

Although the Domestic Abuse Bill - which is expected to be passed next month -  does not specifically refer to the denial of a get, it is to be included in follow-up statutory guidance. 

The move will strengthen the hand of those seeking to liberate agunot -  women regarded as still religiously married (even with a civil divorce) because their husbands have denied them a get - or stop the get being used to extract terms in a divorce settlement. 

Naomi Dickson, chief executive of Jewish Women’s Aid, which has been in talks with the Home Office, said, “The current position is that get refusal is referenced in the statutory guidance accompanying the Domestic Abuse Bill, with a case study, so that government intent is that it should be considered a clear example of domestic abuse.”