
From London to Lithuania: a Torah scroll brings communities together

The loan marks a major step in the renaissance of Jewish life in Vilnius


Precious handover: (Left to right) Rabbi David Maxa, Andrew Keene, Viljamas Zitkauskas and Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich (pic: Susannah Fields)

V The High Holy Days next month will be the first time since before the Second World War that the Vilnius congregation will celebrate with its own scroll, marking a major step in the renaissance of Jewish life in Lithuania.

Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue has loaned one of its Torah scrolls to kickstart the young and growing Jewish community in Lithuania’s capital city, where Jewish life was almost wiped out after the Holocaust. Following a request for help from the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), the EHRS Council offered the long-term loan, forging a bond between the communities and becoming a part of the regeneration of Jewish life in what was once one of the most important cities in Jewish Eastern-European history.

Twenty-four members of Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue and Mosaic Reform travelled to Vilnius with the Torah scroll which travelled on its own ticket and seat on the flight. In an emotional ceremony outside the Polin Museum, the scroll was handed over to Viljamas Zitkauskas, the chair of the recently founded Vilnius Progressive community, which is called Bnei Maskilim.

Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich, who led the EHRS group, said, “It is such a privilege for our group to pass the Torah scroll to the chair of the Vilnius Jewish community. This scroll is not just a piece of parchment but a living reminder of our ancestors and the importance of our support and care for each other, regardless of the times we are living through.”

Viljamas Zitkauskas received it in the presence of Andrew Keene, vice chair of the WUPJ, and Rabbi David Maxa, Progressive rabbi of the Czech Republic and the convenor of the Central European Beit Din.

He said: “Words cannot fully capture the profound joy and reverence I feel at this moment. I am deeply grateful for the immense honour and blessing of receiving the Torah scroll. The Torah is the foundation of our faith, a timeless guide that has illuminated the path of countless generations before us. Being entrusted with such a sacred and treasured gift is both humbling and inspiring. I do not take this responsibility lightly and am committed to honouring the Torah in every possible way.”

Zitkauskas said that while the Vilnius community has been active for the past three years, it has struggled to find a Torah scroll not only for regular services, but also for the celebration of bar and bat mitzvahs.

“This scroll will be cherished not only as a sacred object but also as a living connection to our ancestors, our traditions, and the eternal wisdom that continues to guide us. It will serve as a source of learning, inspiration and spiritual nourishment for our community. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to safeguard and celebrate it.”

The loan reinforces the bonds between the communities of the Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue and Bnei Maskilim. “We are stronger together,” said Zitkauskas. “May the Torah continue to be a source of light and guidance for all of us, and may we merit studying and living by its teachings for many years to come.”

Rabbi David Maxa added that he was “deeply honoured” to witness the historic moment. He called the Bnei Maskilim receiving their first Torah scroll “a powerful testament to the enduring and resilient roots of Progressive Judaism in Central and Eastern Europe”.

“This event symbolises not just the growth of a new community, but the revival and flourishing of our shared values and traditions in a region where they are once again coming to life,” he said.
The WUPJ said it was proud to have found a sponsor for the scroll’s repairs as well as its transportation to its new home. Andrew Keene said, “Anytime the World Union for Progressive Judaism is able to facilitate placing a Torah scroll with a new or emerging community within our Progressive movement, it is of great significance and importance. However, this instance is particularly significant as it represents a major step in the renaissance of Jewish life in Lithuania, which has a long and rich history of Jewish life and progressive Jewish communities.

“It is incredibly meaningful that Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue, one of the largest synagogues in our global movement, has donated one of its scrolls to the Bnei Maskilim community of Vilnius. This is a show of support and investment in their growth and, hopefully, the start of a long and deep relationship between the two communities.”

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