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Forgotten Algeria revived

April 14, 2011 11:13

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Dramatic images of a forgotten Jewish society in the war-torn history of Algeria form part of a new photographic exhibition which has opened in Manchester.

French-Jewish photojournalist Sophie Elbaz is one of 10 artists depicting conflict and change since Algeria's independence from France in 1962.

Elbaz, who has covered the world's bitter conflicts for Reuters, captures her family's Sephardi Jewish origins before new citizenship laws forced Jews and Christians out of the country in 1963, when most of the country's 140,000 Jews left.

The exhibition, at Manchester's Cornerhouse Contemporary Visual Arts Gallery, has been curated by experts from Manchester and Durham University. Dr Joseph McGonagle, from Manchester University said Elbaz's work "reveals the traces that persist and remain of her heritage despite the growing amnesia present-day Algeria displays with regard to its Sephardic Jewish past".