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Foreign Office man's 'racist' rant

September 17, 2009 09:49
Rowan Laxton

ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot

1 min read

A senior Foreign Office civil servant claimed that Israel should be “blown off the face of the earth” while watching a TV report on the Gaza conflict, a court has heard.

A man claimed he heard Rowan Laxton, 48, the head of the Foreign Office’s South Asia desk, shouting at a TV report while he was working out on an exercise bike in the London Business School gym.

Gideon Falter, who is Jewish, told Westminster Magistrates’ Court he heard Mr Laxton shouting: “f****** Israelis, f****** Jews” at the television screen which was showing a report about a dead Palestinian farmer.

Mr Falter then apparently confronted Mr Laxton about his outburst and was told: “It’s f****** despicable what they’re doing in Gaza. It’s not racist. If I had my way, the international community would be sent in and if the Israelis got in the way, they would be blown off the face of the f****** earth.”