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Fire-fighters call for TUC Israel boycott

September 3, 2009 10:50

ByLeon Symons, Leon Symons

1 min read

The Trades Union Congress has come under international pressure over a motion to its annual conference calling on it to review its links with Histadrut, its Israeli counterpart.

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has tabled a resolution for the conference, to be held in two weeks’ time, which also calls for a ban on the importation of all goods from “illegal settlements”, the ending of all arms trading with Israel, a boycott of Israeli goods and divestment from companies “associated with the occupation”.

However, an amendment from the GMB union, Britain’s general union and the third biggest in the country, removed the “review” clause and called for stronger relations with Histadrut.

The FBU has cited Histadrut’s support for Operation Cast Lead in Gaza as the reason for its motion. However, the FBU has been accused of double standards because only four months ago it joined Israeli firemen in the creation of a new international fire-fighters’ group.