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Year in review: Politics in 2018

Lee Harpin looks back on a year of fear, fury and frustration

December 27, 2018 10:07
Luciana Berger addresses the crowd at the Enough is Enough protest in March

ByLee Harpin, Lee Harpin

8 min read

IN these long, dark winter nights it seems almost ridiculous to suggest that the past year in politics was dominated by any story other than Brexit.

But such was the impact of Labour’s antisemitism crisis that concern over Britain’s departure from the European Union was not the first topic of discussion across Friday night dinner tables.

Labour’s failure to tackle Jew-hate amongst its army of new members has been a seminal issue for Jeremy Corbyn ever since he became Party leader. But in 2018, antisemitism attached its ugly face to the self-styled ‘life-long anti-racist’ himself.

If there is one defining image from the past twelve months, it must be Luciana Berger MP addressing a crowd of 1500 other British Jews and their supporters in Parliament Square at the “Enough Is Enough”demonstration on the evening of March 26.