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Vienna museum pays tribute to the works of celebrated Jewish artist Arik Brauer

The exhibition in the city's Jewish Museum is a tribute to one of Austria's most recognised activists, who turned 90 this year

April 28, 2019 05:00
The work of Arik Brauer, who turned 90 this year, is being celebrated with an exhibition at the Jewish Museum Vienna


2 min read

On January 4, a pillar of Vienna’s cultural scene, Arik Brauer, turned 90, beginning a year both of celebration and retrospection.

Whether as a painter, songwriter, costume designer, architect or environmental activist, Brauer is a true renaissance man who has made a lasting impression upon the city of his birth. Now, with Arik Brauer: All of My Arts, Vienna’s Jewish museum has chosen to celebrate the man in full.

He was born Erich Brauer in Vienna’s working class Ottakring district in 1929. His father, Simcha Moshe Segal, arrived in the Austrian capital, where he worked as an orthopedic shoemaker, in 1905 using false documents bearing the name Simon Brauer.

In April 1939, following the Anschluss and months before the outbreak of war, Segal took flight to Riga, hoping to bring the rest of family with him. But Nazi forces occupied Latvia in June 1941 and before war’s end he was murdered in a concentration camp.