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The great Marxist lie about Jew-hate

Loyal Marxists today maintain that the ‘true’ version of the ideology is free of antisemitism. A closer look at Russian history after the 1917 Revolution debunks this claim

September 5, 2019 12:14
Karl Marx
7 min read

To this day, loyal Marxists claim that “true” Marxism is free of antisemitism.

Jewish history and culture argue powerfully against this claim, with particularly strong evidence from writers including Ahad Ha’am, Isaac Babel, Boris Pasternak, Osip Mandelstam and Peretz Markish.

Though the Russian Revolution of 1917, carried out in the name of Karl Marx, led to a ban on antisemitism, hatred of Jews and contempt for Judaism were widespread among socialists. 

Marx identified Judaism with the hated capitalist system, an antisocial force of alienation. “Real” emancipation meant doing away with Judaism. Marx’s antisemitic prejudices were later cited with relish by the Nazis, including Hitler.