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The British far-right swaps swastika tattoos for sharp suits and slick ads

The rise of extreme parties across Europe begs the question – could the UK be next?

March 5, 2025 10:48
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The Homeland Party is a growing force on the British far-right, mixing its extreme message with mainstream branding (Image: X/Homeland Party)
2 min read

The celebrated novelist Sinclair Lewis once wrote that “when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”.

Whether or not that has happened already is its own debate, but the eponymous message of the book from which that passage is extracted, It Could Happen Here, holds just as true for the UK today.

That’s because the far-right has a new face here – one that shuns swastika tattoos and football hooliganism for sharp suits and swish marketing.

The recently established Homeland Party is gathering steam, particularly around its base in Scotland, where it was set up in 2023.